
a blog by keith calder, a film and television producer

With the MINECRAFT movie soon to be released, I thought it might be fun to go back in time to May 2012 when I made my pitch for why I might be the right producer for a Minecraft movie. This is an actual email that I sent to the Mojang team after a kind introduction from a mutual friend, the filmmaker Paul Levering, who was currently making a documentary about Minecraft.

We were going to set a time to meet up in Stockholm, but after this email, I unfortunately became quite ill, needed surgery, and was then unable to travel for most of 2012. By the time I was ready to reengage, I had definitely missed my window, and as they say the rest is history.

But here's a glimpse at a very different approach to a Minecraft movie, conceived before Minecraft took over the world, sold to Microsoft, and became a massive kid-focused property.

Hi Team Mojang,

I'm sorry for not emailing sooner, but please don't take it as a sign that I am not appreciative of Paul's thoughtful intro email. I'm sure it's too much information to share, but I was having gallstone issues the last week and it unfortunately kept me from getting much work done.

I've been a big fan of Minecraft for a while. A quick check of my email history shows that I paid for my premium account in September 2010. I spent a good chunk of my free-time 2010 and 2011 exploring voxel worlds and building delightfully blocky structures. But I'm sure you hear enough from fans, that you don't need me to heap more praise on top of the already giant pile.

I'm not sure what your thoughts are on the potential of a Minecraft feature film, but it's something I've been thinking quite a lot about. Aspects of it have been gestating in my subconscious for a while as I've been working on other films, but it only started really coming together in the last few weeks as I made a slightly bigger realization. So here's my general brief pitch on why I think there should be a Minecraft feature film, how I think it should be approached, and why I think I'm the right producer to get it made.

For me, Minecraft is a game that fosters creativity, beauty, exploration, and the powerful idea that big things can come from small starts. I think this idea and theme is reflected not only in the game, but in the community around the game, and in the very heart of what Notch and Mojang have built. The game is special, and the culture is special, and if there's a film then the film needs to also be special. And I think that a film that can achieve this can spread the world of Minecraft and the culture of Minecraft.

I think the wrong approach for a film would be to just for a studio to view Minecraft as IP that can be mined in other media. This misses the entire point of what makes Minecraft special. I think the right approach is to build a film that reflects not only the creative world of Minecraft but also its culture, community, and themes. A studio would just view this as another video-game adaptation, and we all know how that turns out.

A Minecraft film not only has to be independent, it needs to be disruptively independent. I think this means financing outside the studios, and only using the studio system for distribution where necessary. (Although in my heart, I would love to figure out a way to also re-imagine the distribution system to allow for worldwide online distribution simultaneous with theatrical release.) The typical process of development and production on a feature film is incredibly closed, with little interaction with its potential audience. I think that process needs to be reconceived for a Minecraft film. Open things up much more than normal. Keep the Minecraft community involved.

The creative approach is a challenge. The game is inherently non-narrative in appeal with a character that exists mostly as a player-surrogate, but I think that can be a benefit when it comes to the film. It allows for freedom without causing conflict with the game. I view the story of the film as being along the following lines:

A highly resourceful man wakes up (or shipwrecks, or crash-lands, etc) on an abandoned island. He is basically the better version of us, in terms of how a normal person would respond in this situation. He immediately gets to work on increasing his odds of survival. He builds shelter, builds tools and weapons, hunts for food, and it looks like maybe things are going to go his way. Then the monsters arrive…

In gauche Hollywood terms, it's Robinson Crusoe meets I Am Legend.

In terms of look, obviously for a film the approach shouldn't be iconic voxel graphics. That said, I think the game should strongly influence the look of the film. The beauty of the sun rising through a tropical paradise. The fear of walking into a truly dark cave where you can hear zombies swarming.

Obviously a lot of the creative side of things would depend on the writer and director hired. Personally, my top choice would be Duncan Jones, the director of MOON and SOURCE CODE. I think he would get the tone and genre, and understands video-games. I wouldn't be surprised if he's already a Minecraft player. If not Duncan, then I think it's still important to find someone who truly loves video-games and has a passion for high-quality genre filmmaking.

Put simply, I want the Minecraft movie to be the first great video-game film. I think I can help that happen, and I hope you think I might be the right person for the job.

I'm based in London for 2012, and I have offices in both LA and London. Please let me know if you'd like to meet to discuss at all, or if any of this sounds interesting. If so, I'm happy to make a proposal for an option on the film-rights.

Best Wishes, Keith Calder

I run a Mastodon instance at bbq.snoot.com for film/tv folk.

We are currently accepting open signups, although this might change in the future. This could be a great Mastodon server for you if you work in film/tv or if you just love talking about movies and TV shows.

Click here to join the bbq.snoot.com Mastodon instance.

If you don't think of yourself as film/tv folk, and you still want to join Mastodon, you can find a wide list of potential servers at the Join Mastodon website.

The Snoot Letter #13 – Lucky Number 13

I newslettered again! This time about sourdough, mailing lists, and bad apples.

Why shoelaces come untied when we walk?

I love everything about this academic paper on the roles of impact and inertia in the failure of a shoelace knot. In particular, I love this footnote:

The speed of the knot failure brings to mind a Hemingway line from The Sun Also Rises describing a character's descent into bankruptcy—which here we found to be an apropos description of knot failure—it happens ‘Two ways. Gradually, then suddenly.’

The Snoot Letter #12 – Personal Aesthetic

In which I discuss plague doctors, public domain, The Wild Bunch, and my personal aesthetic for film.

The Snoot Letter

I have resurrected my newsletter, and I'm back to publishing on a weekly schedule. You can read the latest issue here. I'm still trying to figure out how I will balance my twitter feed, this blog, and the newsletter. I suspect that the blog will become overflow for things that are a bit too long for twitter, but don't quite fit the tone or scale of the Snoot Letter.

I'll probably also do a blog post each time a new issue is published.

Film Chat

I have set up a Discord server for professional and aspiring filmmakers to hang out and chat. And consider “filmmakers” to be a wide and encompassing term to cover the entire art, craft, and business of film and television. We're all filmmakers.

Update on November 13, 2022 I have decided to shut down the Film Chat Discord as it wasn't very active, and my current filmmaking community focus is on the Snoot BBQ Mastodon community.

RIP Bill Withers

Bill Withers died today. One of the musical giants of my life. I grew to love him as a child, with my mother playing his music constantly in the car. Of all the artists she loved, he was the one immediately connected with and appreciated. At least that's how I remember it. Unlike Eagles, who I hated as a child, dismissing them as music for old people and even worse: country music, the genre I loathed for reasons I barely understood. Now I appreciate Eagles for their beautiful songs, and have found the niches of country that I can find myself within. But Bill Withers was love from first listen.

As a young adult at college, I brought Bill Withers with me. Probably pirated MP3s of his hits. Bill Withers and Marvin Gaye were my oldies. I still hadn't discovered Sam Cooke yet, but Bill was soul with vocal stylings that almost felt reachable. I could almost do that, at least in my head. The stretch of my range at karaoke. And by that, I mean the most karaoke of karaoke. Copying the stylings, but never the soul. Bill expressed his soul in a way that was direct; simple but powerful. His lyrics, melodies, and performance. It all felt easy, but carried the weight of the world.

In my late 20s, I saw Soul Power, the documentary about the all-star concert in Zaire that was paired with the iconic “Rumble in the Jungle” fight. The doc is full of amazing drama and performances, but nothing touched Bill Wither's rendition of “Hope She'll Be Happier.” This brought me to an exploration of all his live albums, and somehow they're even more soulful and powerful than the original studio recordings. The artists I most regret never seeing do a full live show: Prince, Sam Cooke, and Bill Withers.

So I'm sitting here at 40. Listening to Bill Withers sing “Lean On Me” on my record player. I have turned into my parents, and I'm fine with that. They had great taste in music! And being old is not so bad. Bill Withers is dead, but his music lives on. That is the only immortality available to us. Our work, our legacy, and the people we helped shape. And Bill shaped me, and I think helped shape the world, for the better.

A couple years ago, I started a Kickstarter for a project that I was calling the Snoot Zine. It was supposed to be a quarterly handmade 8-page zine. But I quickly got caught up in film production, and was never able to finish the project. I recently cancelled the project, and returned money to all of the backers. I also sent the the in-progress Snoot Zine, which contains some of my thoughts on the filmmaking process.

The original backers have had the zine for a few weeks now, so I thought I would also share the abandoned Snoot Zine with the rest of the world.

Click here to download a PDF of the abandoned Snoot Zine.

My Tarantino Movie Rankings As Of July 2019

I have seen or rewatched most of these movies in the last few years, excluding Jackie Brown and Kill Bill Vol 2, which I need to revisit. If I watched either of them today, I suspect they would move around on my list. But otherwise I’m pretty comfortable with the order, in terms of how the movies resonated with my personal taste. The top four are all masterpieces, as far as I’m concerned.

  1. Inglourious Basterds
  2. Pulp Fiction
  3. Kill Bill Vol. 1
  4. Reservoir Dogs
  5. Jackie Brown
  6. Hateful Eight
  7. Django Unchained
  8. Kill Bill Vol. 2
  9. Once Upon A Time In… Hollywood
  10. Death Proof

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